Crust Devlog | May 16th — May 30th, 2022
Mainnet Weekly Report
On September 1st 2021, Crust Mainnet was officially launched and block rewards started to release. Until May 30th, the number of nodes on Crust Mainnet was 3,146 and the meaningful storage data has reached 34.878 PB. The weekly data is as follows.
Protocol layer
1. [Shadow] Supported multi-asset cross-chain, complete the pre-work of supporting multi-asset payment
2. [Shadow] Studied the cross-chain process of general msg storage orders, and complete the scheme design
3. [Shadow] Research the Pallet oriented cross-chain process and complete the scheme design
Application layer
1. [Apps] Fixed invalid IPFS Gateway
2. [Apps] Optimized Hosting plan, access speed increased by 230%
Ecosystem layer
1. [Elrond] Completed the development of the Elrond cross-chain storage contract and deployed it to the Elrond Mainnet, supporting Elrond users/developers to store files to the Crust IPFS network through contracts
2. [EVM-Compatible] Fixed the script file for deploying the contract
3. [ChainLink] Completed the development and deployment of Adapter to provide cross-chain storage for LINK oracle users. For details: